Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us. 

Or give us a ring in the office on 01286 673 947. 

Please leave a message if there is no answer and we will get back to you. We are not always guaranteed at the office out of opening hours. 



OPEN 12-4 PM


Cefn Uchaf, Rhostrahwfa, Llangefni
Anglesey, Wales, LL77 7AQ
United Kingdom


Shipping & Returns


UK Mainland Delivery

All items will be sent with a courier and you will receive tracking information or be contacted directly by the carrier.

Delivery is charged by size and weight of the items.

Small items £7.95

Medium items £25.00

Large items £65.00

Local delivery is free to the following counties:

Anglesey, Gwynedd & Conwy

Please enter the code ‘local’ in the checkout to waiver the delivery charge.


Bydd pob eitem yn cael ei anfon gyda negesydd a byddwch yn derbyn gwybodaeth olrhain neu bydd y cludwr yn cysylltu'n uniongyrchol â chi.

Codir tâl am ddanfon yn ôl maint a phwysau'r eitemau.

Eitemau bach £7.95

Eitemau canolig £25.00

Eitemau mawr £65.00

Mae danfoniad lleol am ddim i'r siroedd canlynol:

Ynys Môn, Gwynedd a Chonwy

Rhowch y cod ‘lleol’ yn y ddesg dalu i hepgor y tâl dosbarthu.

Returns & Exchanges


We want you to be delighted with any product you buy from us, we try to picture and describe our products as accurately as possible but if you are not completely satisfied, please use the contact form below to let us know within 14 days of receipt of goods. We can then arrange to refund its purchase price (nb the refund will not include the original cost of carriage & packing) once the goods have been successfully returned to us. This is in addition to your statutory rights. We will try and arrange collection of goods where we can, this will incur a collection fee, the amount will be dependent on location. If there is a significant flaw/ structural defect with the item that you weren’t made aware of, then we will arrange collection at our own cost.